Optimize before correction

An important point : before doing any correction, try to find best place for your loudspeakers, try different presets if you have and optimize as far as possible. Correction works best if you have less problems to solve. Some steps are recommended before using any electronic correction : if possible, …

Slope of target

Information about the target slopes : with standard loudspeakers (dome in high frequency and closed or bass-reflex box in lows) and in a mid size room, at a distance of about 3m, the bright timbre target is nearly -1.05dB/oct, the balanced is -1.4dB/oct and the warm is -1.75dB/oct. The Harman …

PORC correction

Python Open Room Correction is a method wrote by Mason Green and based on the works of Balazs Bank. His publications are available on the AES website. It is a parallel filters correction at fixed frequencies converted to a FIR process. More about Mason Green scripts can be found here …